Bad Experience Now Funny Blog Post Credit: Caleb Image Credit - MorguefileWhen it comes to me, I love comedy, that’s why I chose Caleb’s post titled ‘Flashback to Egypt’. I have to say I would not be able to live even for one night in a hostel like that. Those kinds of living situations are dreadful. I cannot believe how they used a closet as an elevator! Hilarious. I have one question though, was that hostel not approved by the government? I did not know that you could do that, I thought that was illegal.
I have a funny story, well at least I think it’s funny. One time I was outside playing with my friends, and then we found this piece of black rubber, I don’t know what I was thinking but I picked it up. One of my friends said it was a “Charred Insulator” so naturally, I got interested. I picked it up, it was pigmented. Every time I touched it a little too hard, it would color my hands black. One of my friends told me to get rid of it but I was a dare devil and I kept it. That friend tried getting rid of it, he started to grab it when I was not looking and threw it! But because of god’s will, I found it every time! He did this for about four times. And then, there was a sewer drain so this was the perfect chance for him to get rid of it. He threw it, and it landed perfectly in there (at least we thought it was gone). We got closer to inspect and then another friend of mine with eagle eyes spotted it. It was between some rocks and she was able to pick it up. She picked it up and everyone laughed so hard. This story is funny because after countless times of trying my friend thought he got rid of it but nope!
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